Then there's global warming. For years, I'll admit, I was a skeptic. The whole thing seemed so far-fetched. But now I think it's the real deal, and it's got me worried. Even if somehow we convinced everyone in the United States and everyone in the world - yes, China and India, I'm talking about you - to quit emitting greenhouse gasses and reforest the planet, it could take a thousand years for conditions to return to pre-industrial levels. (I'm not just pulling that out of a hat; I found it on the internet, so it must be true.)
And yesterday, I read that North American moose are dying off.
It's like those canaries miners used to carry down with them into the shaft. When the canary fell feet-up into the bottom of the cage, you knew it was time to head back up. Only problem is, we can't; we're in so deep, we can't turn around. Not for a thousand years, anyway.
What could possibly go wrong?