In case anyone is interested, I am herewith sharing my courtship secrets. Here it is: Absolute Fawning Puppy-ish Adoration. I mean, I cling to my woman like the Titanic was going down and she was the last black inner tube. Absolute Fawning Puppy-ish Adoration cannot be practiced by just anyone, however. It takes extreme patience and dedication. The typical reaction of the woman comes in FIVE STAGES.
STAGE ONE: The woman somewhat enjoys it, but thinks, "He can't keep this up much longer."
STAGE TWO: The woman begins to feel annoyance tempered with astonishment just how persistent your Absolute Fawning Puppy-ish Adoration is.
STAGE THREE: The woman no longer feels astonished, but merely annoyed.
STAGE FOUR: The woman learns to ignore it, in much the same way as she learns to ignore the incessant yipping of the neighbor's Jack Russell.
STAGE FIVE: The woman relents and returns your Absolute Fawning Puppy-ish Adoration with Absolute Fawning Puppy-ish Adoration of her own.
Lacking any imagination or smooth romantic technique, I have never used any courtship method but Absolute Fawning Puppy-ish Adoration. It has won me the hand of the woman who has been married to me thirty-one years. I figure she should be entering into STAGE FIVE any day now.