To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. A time to text, and a time to refrain from texting. A time to browse the internet, and a time you may not browse. A time to friend people on Facebook, and a time to unfriend them. A time for Pilates, and a time for Rocky Road Ice-Cream. A time to send emails, and a time to check emails. A time to google yourself, and a time to google others. A time to refinance, and a time not to. A time to fold, and a time to go "all in." A time for a cappuccino, and a time for just a plain cafe americano. A time for Dancing with the Stars, and a time for Shark Tank. A time for networking, and a time not to network. A time for hybrids and a time for hummers. A time for Wii, and a time for Nintendo. A time for global warming and a time for more global warming. A time for Polar Bears and a time for Polar Bears, but only in the zoo. A time for safe sex and a time for no sex. A time for tatoos and a time for HepB. A time for Spring Break and a time for HepB. A time for margaritas and a time for ibuprofin. A time for Pay-Per-View, and a time to download from Netflix. A time for NASCAR, and a time for NFL. A time for Merlot and a time for Zin. A time for Country and a time for Western. A time to vote, and a time not to vote and just tell people you're sick of the whole mess, and they all stink, and besides, what's the point. A time for taxes and a time for death.
(Originally posted in 2012)