Henry Clay |
If you ever want to be reelected as president, a good way to do it is take a bunch of land from people who can’t vote and give it to people who can.
William Wirt |
Anyway, the Anti-Masons were fed up with those damn red fezzes and those secret handshakes and what-not, and weren’t going to take it any more. (There had also been a small matter of possible homicide when a Mason threatened to reveal his lodge’s secrets, but I think it was mostly a matter of the red fezzes, like I said.)
The Anti-Masonic candidate was William Wirt, who himself was a Mason, which indicates a certain amount of confusion on the part of the nominating committee. Apparently, during his acceptance speech, William Wirt praised the good work of the Masons, which perhaps explains why his party didn’t do better than it did. If you’re going to take a stand, by golly, take it – don’t shilly-shally. Where would Andrew Jackson have gotten if sometimes he’d been for Indian rights and sometimes against them? No, he had his principles and he stuck to them.1
Andrew Jackson: 219
Henry Clay: 49
William Wirt: 7
1. William Wirt's tomb was later robbed, and the skull sold to a private collector. The skull was eventually returned, though. It could be identified because the purchaser had written "William Wirt" on it in gold letters.