A Yankee Who Refused the Neighbor's Pound Cake |
When seeing anyone, anyone, whether it be a cashier, a cop, or just some stranger walking a dog, you are expected to make eye contact, nod your head, and greet them. You do not need to stop what you are doing or engage in actual conversation, but you must say something along the lines of "Hey," "Hi, there," "Nice day," or "How's it going?" IF YOU FAIL TO DO THIS, YOU WILL BE HUNTED DOWN AND KILLED.
When dining at someone's house, the cook will make a remark such as, "I just hope it's fit to eat," or "The gravy came out a little thick." On no account are you to agree with her, rather you are to rave about the deliciousness of everything - even if there are beets - and to get second helpings of everything no matter how full you are. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS, YOU WILL BE HUNTED DOWN AND KILLED.
When in your car, you must keep your radio volume at such a level that only those inside the car can hear, provided the windows are up and the top is not down. Other motorists should not be able to hear what you have on the radio at stoplights or gas stations, no matter how much you enjoy the song or how much you want to share it with the world, or how great you think your sound system is. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN ACCEPTABLE VOLUME WILL RESULT IN BEING HUNTED DOWN AND KILLED.
If shown pictures of someone's infant, you are to behave as if you have just seen a child of unearthly beauty. Comments such as "Your kid looks like a monkey" even if meant in a joking spirit, even if technically accurate, must be avoided at all costs. If you wish, your voice may rise an octave above its natural pitch and you may resort to baby talk to describe this wondrous infant, but I repeat - all negative comments, such as "Do you know who the father is?" must not be said aloud. IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLY, YOU WILL BE HUNTED DOWN AND KILLED.
If a neighbor brings over a pound cake or a casserole or any comestible whatsoever, you are to accept it with a pleased smile and comments such as "It looks wonderful" or "You shouldn't have." You may not ask questions such as "Is this gluten free?" or make personal comments such as "I don't do carbs," or "I'm lactose intolerant" or "I'm diabetic." You are to take the food into your house with every sign of delight and later are to comment to your neighbor how delicious it was. FAILURE TO DO THIS WILL RESULT IN BEING HUNTED DOWN AND KILLED.