Scientists have calculated the Golden Age of Humor was July 10, 1955. On that day, the level of irony reached its highest peak, coinciding with the World Condition reaching an optimal point of going-to-hell-in-a-handbasketness. Since then, the World's Condition has deteriorated significantly, corresponding with a gradual decline in irony, replaced by snarky smugness and boorishness. Geezers old enough to remember the day confirm it was a high point, reporting they "couldn't stop laughing," and "everything seemed funny." Reportedly, even actor Bob Hope was considered amusing.
Humor researches at Cal Tech have determined that humor is formed by a matrix between just how crappy things are and the level of ironic detachment. "In July of 1955, these two reached ideal proportions," said Josh Merkin, Humor Department Chair. "Since then things have gotten so bad you just can't make a joke about it. At the same time, our ability to be witty about it has been sadly diminished." While many deplore the state of humor in this country, Merkin is cautiously upbeat. "These things come in cycles," he explains. "Around 100,000 BC, sometime around the last ice age, things were even funnier. Irony levels through the roof, and the human condition right at that sweet spot. It must have been hilarious back then."