DEAR MOM: Your course is clear. These boys need to get with the program and die and quit being such a burden to you. The fact they're twins makes it twice as bad. Quit extending their misery. - TARO ASO
DEAR TARO ASO: I wear dentures. I have never gone out in public without them. However, I have seen people I know take them out in restaurants, etc. It is not only awful to look at, but don't they realize how they look? Am I shallow for not wanting anyone to see me without my "smile"? Is there some social etiquette that's being broken? - TOOTHLESS IN COLORADO
DEAR TOOTHLESS: It isn't shallow to be concerned about your appearance. What's shallow is going on living and being a burden to the entire restaurant. When your teeth fall out, it's God's way of saying "Time's up!" Elephants know this and go off to die where they won't be a bother to the others. Please do likewise. - TARO ASO
DEAR TARO ASO: I'm a college student and still live with my parents. My two older sisters moved out years ago. I never asked them why, but I'm sure it's because our father is emotionally abusive. He talks down to us and makes us feel inadequate. He has belittled my mother for years, to the point that she doesn't bother arguing with him anymore. She used to play music all the time, but she's now afraid to "bother anybody." I can honestly say I never loved my father, and I wish Mom had divorced him years ago. The few times I have tried to talk to him, he overreacted and accused me of being a drama queen who blows things out of proportion. He's almost 60 but has the emotional depth of a spoiled, angry 12-year-old. How can I convince Mom that leaving him will do her more good than harm? -- NO LOVE FOR DAD IN CALIFORNIA
DEAR NO LOVE FOR DAD: Clearly there are a few people around your house who need to hurry up and die and stop being such a burden. For starters, you mother. If she doesn't play music anymore, what good is she? Time for the a dirt-nap, Mom. And you. A college student living at home? Why prolong your misery. As for your Dad, it sounds to me like he's still got a few good years left in him. Quit being such a drama queen and drop dead. - TARO ASO