When my first novel (Days of the Endless Corvette, still available at Amazon.com, and a dandy gift for all occasions) came out, my friend Virginia Lukkes suggested, since there was a pink tire on the cover, I ought to cut a tire in half, paint it pink, and take it with me on my book-signing tour. Ludicrous, I thought. Dumb idea, I thought. I'll never do it, I thought.
A week later, the basement stinking of burning rubber from cutting a steel-belted radial in two with a circular saw, I was applying the first coat of pink latex to a tire. Hence, the Pink Tire Tour.
My new novel Paradise Dogs comes out June 7. There is a pink alligator on the cover. Alligators of other bizarre hues are mentioned from time to time throughout the story. Hence the following pictures. I spent last Friday at Art and Soul in Sandy Springs, painting ceramic alligators.