Sunday, December 01, 2013

Things I Know Now I Wish I'd Known Then: Mark Childress

Each month an author is invited to hold forth on the above topic. This month, it's Mark Childress. Mark is the author of seven novels, most recently Georgia Bottoms, which is not, as you might think, the name of a place, but a conniving, though good-hearted heroine.

Things I Know Now I Wish I’d Known Then

1. Writing fiction is more fun before you are published. Once you are published, you worry.
2. Publication will be the best thing that ever happened to you and also the worst, often both at once.
3. Reviews can be helpful, otherwise disregard.
4. The sweetest draft is the second, with all possibilities still shining bright.
5. It is done when they pry it from your hands. Not a minute before.