Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Early Work

There's a Gahan Wilson cartoon in which a disgruntled museum patron stands before a wall of crayola drawings of smiling stick-figure people and wobbly circle-suns with spokes.  The guard behind him says, "Of course, they're very early Rembrandts."
This is an early Man Martin, in fact the earliest Man Martin extant.  It is was given to me by my sweet, sweet sister Helen who had saved it, lo these many years.  The heading is "Facing Reality" spelled with the eccentricity of a six or seven-year old.  (My mother had recently divorced my alcoholic father, so this concept had special resonance for me.  It is also interesting that it was written on Norlestrin notepaper - Norlestrin, the internet informs me is a birth control prescription???)  I will offer one minor clarification of the picture; the reason for the man's peculiar dance-like pose is that he was facing in the other direction and has just that moment wheeled around, perhaps feeling the humid breath of "Realatty" at his back.  Everything else I leave to you.