Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Great Movies

Over the last two nights my wife and I rewatched The Godfather.  What an amazing film that is.   It's one of the few movies Nancy and I own.  What struck me most this time was Copala's use of color.  Somewhere an art teacher or museum docent told me that colors are more saturated in semidarkness.  While I knew that bright lights can wash a color out, the claim still seemed unlikely to me.  Watching The Godfather, though, I know it's true.  The darkness only makes the reds and violets deeper and more sumptuous.  And it is one dark film.  I swear, it's the only film I've ever seen where someone opens a door and the room gets darker.
This set me to thinking about the best films I've ever seen.  This is hard, because there are a lot of very good movies out there, and even some that are stand-out great.  But what are the movies at the very head of the list?  The ones that shook you by your shoulders until your teeth rattled?  Casablanca is a great movie, as is Citizen Kane, but neither of them thrill or chill me.  Nancy's list includes Erin Brockovich and Amelie. Here's mine, in no particular order; some if I saw again I might not be so impressed with (this happened with War of the Worlds which I saw first as a child and later as an adult) but at the time, seeing these I thought, "Wow, now THAT was a movie."  Parenthetically, I might say the first movie to strike me this way was The Ghost and Mr Chicken, but that was only because it was the first movie I saw in a theater.
The Wizard of Oz - an early favorite that turns out to have legs. I not only love the sometimes jaw-dropping cinematography, but the writing and the performances.
The Color Purple
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Star Wars - I'm sure if I saw it again, I'd roll my eyes, but at the time, I'd simply never seen anything like it before.  It was such a movie.
The Godfather I and II
Is that it?  Is that all I can think of?  Strangely, some of my favorite directors don't make the list.  Rear Window is a superlative movie, but it just doesn't measure up to The Color Purple.  Who couldn't love Fargo, but it's no Star WarsCrimes and Misdemeanors.  A great, great film.  But not Godfather great.
So them's my picks, what's yours?